
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

World Water Week in LA

Do you take that glass of tap water for granted? The one that sits in front of you while you eat out?

So often we finish our soda, or our glass of wine, while those 12 ounces of clean water sit not enjoyed, not sipped, not used. But, of course, there are millions of people who need clean water, which is where UNICEF's annual tap water iniative comes in.

During the week of March 21-28, a host of restaurants throughout the United States and Los Angeles are asking diners to pay a dollar for their requested glass of tap water.

When all of those dollars are added up for the UNICEF Tap Project, the organization then puts them into its water, sanitation, and hygiene programs, which ultimately benefit people needing clean drinking water at spots around the globe.

AOC, Hugo's, and Real Food Daily are just a few of the local restaurants on the participant list. If you'll be dining out over the next week, and requesting water, make note and help out.

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